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Offer at-home lab testing in all of Chile

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We are a small startup but leaders in bringing laboratory exams to the home. Few people know us, because we work behind the scenes. Our clients are large healthcare providers and Laboratories in Chile, that offer lab tests to the home, with our technology and logistics services.Like many things in Chile, our operation currently covers only Santiago. The people who need at-home testing are usually families with small children and the elderly that can't get cold. Also people with different mobility, who have a hard time getting to the lab. Our dream is to offer lab testing to the home in every region.Already our current B2C clients have presence in most regions, and with this, we will be able to go to every region in Chile that has a Lab and team up with them to offer at-home testing.The projects main components will be:---New simplified interface---"Ready to go" system ---Extremely simple to configure by non-IT expertsOur costs will be Development and Infrastructure.

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