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CloudPromo loyalty and analytic services

CloudPromo offers retail/banking services that allow customer loyalty such as: promotions, coupons, loyalty plans, points and GiftCardServices can be configured through rules that can use all available business variables (transaction, payment, credit, customer. products, etc.).The modules based on Analytics, Machine Learning allow:- Segment customers according to purchasing behavior and identify more loyal customers.- Reduce general promotions and propose personalized promotions to customers, according to their interests and purchasing behaviorWe are VISA partners and selected as the first Latin American company that will integrate CloudPromo loyalty services to VISA through its PAR API, which will allow a customer's purchases to be related, even if they use different tokens and channels We have a large experience (20 years) in retail industry, and CloudPromo offer a complete set of customer loyalty services built and in production (in more than 10 retailers)
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